A Wednesday Update

Greetings Gaming Canines! Black Labrador Creations is on a roll this week!

Of foremost importance at this time, Jason Grossman, Commandant of the Artist and Public Relations Division, and I, have taken to the field to ascertain the stretch goals and reward structure for our Kickstarter. We have some extremely exciting goals and bounties planned for those willing to claim them

As Mister Grossman pounds away at some of the new artwork to be used in our stretch goals, I have done what I could to reinforce the filming front with expenditures on extra equipment and am psyched for round three (or take 25, if you prefer ) this time better prepared than ever before!

As you know, we at Black Labrador Creations LLC aim to continue to design and write quality material for eons to come, and so have been keeping busy creating new content as we work on our current projects. To pass the time whilst waiting for my crew to be available to assist me in the Kickstarter video, and while waiting for my books to be beta read and edited, I have also begun work on yet another new board game design that should raise some interested eyebrows, as well as a new book (the seventh if you are counting), this one on a topic completely novel (no pun intended) to me.

Please feel free to follow us at our other social media, namely:

Website: https://blacklabradorcreations.squarespace.com/

Twitter: labrador_llc

Instagram: blacklabradorcreationsllc

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Who’s that Officer? - Part 1


And So The Kickstarter Evolves…