Onward the Daily Grind!

A most productive day today!

CPA Eric Rosenthal, Lead Artist Jason Grossman, and I shook, rattled, and rolled, working very hard to set up an exciting business plan for dealing with Kickstarters!

I am pleased to say that our wild shenanigans resulted in us drafting a great strategy for not only the Kickstarter, but the days ahead as well.

The rest of the day will be looking at and editing accordingly the dog concept art for our upcoming children's book.

Meanwhile, after a voracious editing period prior to the meeting, I am a mere 40 pages away from readying volume two of the Finch Folio for Book Doctor Beth Wright.


Rejoice! Carroll and Hatala Beta Read Book 2. Beth Wright on Deck With Scalpel and Stethoscope


Loyalty or Liberty?