Happy 4th! Introducing Event Cards!

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With the 4th of July right around the corner, we thought it's a great time to show off a new card type you will be using in Loyalty or Liberty? to turn the tide of war in your favor. With no further ado, we introduce you to Event cards; one of the most powerful ways to effect the board in your favor.

Now to go into further detail, brought to you by Daniel Lessin, creator of Loyalty or Liberty?


After including events in your lineup pending a point buy phase, these cards can be played first by accruing enough Lady Luck points in one turn during a resource draw phase to purchase access to them, then by playing them at any point thereafter. They range from the devastating or life saving, but expensive, to the only mildly annoying or helpful, but cost effective, and, depending on which army you portray, are more or less effective at helping them achieve their ends in battle.


Watson Le Beau


Joseph Brandt to the Front!